923 research outputs found

    Macroproyecto calidad de vida en Pereira: Caso: Salud y Medio Ambiente

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    El documento enmarca un análisis de posibles vínculos entre las variables establecidas para las dimensiones Salud y Medio Ambiente en el programa Pereira Como Vamos, proponiendo una conceptualización de las asociaciones de entre estas, ajuste de la base de datos según la relación de los indicadores de las dos dimensiones objeto de estudio, y por último, el análisis de la interrelación de los factores ambientales y de salud. El desarrollo de la propuesta se inicia con una revisión documental de las dimensiones objeto de estudio, asociadas a la incidencia en la sostenibilidad urbana y su impacto en la calidad de vida, a través de la búsqueda, clasificación y análisis de estudios referentes y artículos científicos afines; simultáneamente, se realiza un ajuste a la base de datos del programa Pereira Como Vamos en sus dimensiones Salud y Medio Ambiente, revisando su grado de importancia y la relación teórica de los indicadores de cada una de las dimensiones. Posteriormente, se efectúa un análisis estadístico en dos fases, primero se define la relación de las variables a través de análisis cluster y segundo, mediante coeficientes de correlación de Pearson, se establece su grado de relación lineal; finalmente, se presentan los resultados obtenidos y se realiza la discusión evaluando las relaciones de las variables analizadas con las dimensiones objeto de estudio y su impacto en los resultados del programa Pereira Como Vamos

    Renovación de la identidad visual de Electrobello S. A.

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    El presente trabajo nos permite comprender que para la empresa Electrobello sí fue posible realizar una renovación de su identidad visual de marca, con pocos recursos -- Por medio de la identificación de su patrimonio de marca con conceptos como confianza, responsabilidad y emoción, fue posible desarrollar una nueva identidad visual que mantuviera su esencia y que lograra ser aceptada tanto por los clientes internos como los externos -- Este estudio hace parte de una primera fase que busca conducir al logro de los objetivos estratégicos de Electrobello -- El proceso de investigación se apoyó en los diferentes medios propios de la investigación cualitativa y cuantitativa y se apoyó en una base teórica para el logro de unos buenos resultados y a través de la realización de focus group (Aigneren, 2011) y de encuesta

    ¿Es el mercado de metales eficiente?

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    La predicción de los precios de las materias primas es importante por su impacto a nivel macroeconómico para las naciones que dependen de su comercio internacional, así mismo tiene importancia financiera para quienes negocian sus futuros en bolsa. Este trabajo propone evaluar la hipótesis de eficiencia en el sentido débil en el mercado de metales, la cual argumenta que un mercado eficiente no es susceptible de predicción de precios. Para este propósito se implementaron métodos de caminata aleatoria. Se encontraron materias primas persistentemente ineficientes durante el periodo de evaluación de 1992 a 2015, así como que algunas materias primas fluctúan entre periodos de eficiencia y no eficiencia.The price forecast of commodities is important for its impact at the macroeconomic level for the nations that dependent on international trade of raw materials, also it has financial importance to those who negotiate their futures in equity markets. This work aims to evaluate the hypothesis of efficiency in the metals market, which argues that an efficient market is not capable of predicting prices. For this, I implemented random walk methods. I found that some commodities are persistently inefficient during the evaluation period 1992-2015 and some raw materials fluctuate between periods of efficiency and no efficiency.Magíster en EconomíaMaestrí

    Dopamine receptor D5 signaling plays a dual role in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis potentiating Th17-mediated immunity and favoring suppressive activity of regulatory T-cells

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    Indexación: Scopus.This work was supported by grants FONDECYT-1170093 (to RP) and FONDECYT-3160383 (to CP) from ‘‘Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico de Chile’’, AFB170004 (to RP) from ‘‘Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica de Chile (CONICYT)’’ and DI-1224-16/R (to RP) from Universidad Andres Bello.A number of studies have shown pharmacologic evidence indicating that stimulation of type I dopamine receptor (DR), favors T-helper-17 (Th17)-mediated immunity involved in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) and in some other inflammatory disorders. Nevertheless, the lack of drugs that might discriminate between DRD1 and DRD5 has made the pharmacological distinction between the two receptors difficult. We have previously shown genetic evidence demonstrating a relevant role of DRD5-signaling in dendritic cells (DCs) favoring the CD4+ T-cell-driven inflammation in EAE. However, the role of DRD5-signaling confined to CD4+ T-cells in the development of EAE is still unknown. Here, we analyzed the functional role of DRD5-signaling in CD4+ T-cell-mediated responses and its relevance in EAE by using a genetic approach. Our results show that DRD5-signaling confined to naive CD4+ T-cells exerts a pro-inflammatory effect promoting the development of EAE with a stronger disease severity. This pro-inflammatory effect observed for DRD5-signaling in naive CD4+ T-cells was related with an exacerbated proliferation in response to T-cell activation and to an increased ability to differentiate toward the Th17 inflammatory phenotype. On the other hand, quite unexpected, our results show that DRD5-signaling confined to Tregs strengthens their suppressive activity, thereby dampening the development of EAE manifestation. This anti-inflammatory effect of DRD5-signaling in Tregs was associated with a selective increase in the expression of glucocorticoid-induced tumor necrosis factor receptor-related protein (GITR), which has been described to play a critical role in the expansion of Tregs. Our findings here indicate a complex role for DRD5-signaling in CD4+ T-cells-driven responses potentiating early inflammation mediated by effector T-cells in EAE, but exacerbating suppressive activity in Tregs and thereby dampening disease manifestation in late EAE stages. © 2018 Osorio-Barrios, Prado, Contreras and Pacheco.https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fncel.2018.00192/ful

    Analysis of Monetary Policy and Financial Stability: A New Paradigm

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    This paper introduces agent heterogeneity, liquidity, and endogenous default to a DSGE framework. Our model allows for a comprehensive assessment of regulatory and monetary policy, as well as welfare analysis in the different sectors of the economy. Due to liquidity and endogenous default, the transmission mechanism of shocks is well defined, and their short to medium run effects on financial stability are properly captured.general equilibrium, financial fragility, monetary policy, regulation

    A Simulation-Based Optimization Framework for Urban Transportation Problems

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    This paper proposes a simulation-based optimization (SO) method that enables the efficient use of complex stochastic urban traffic simulators to address various transportation problems. It presents a metamodel that integrates information from a simulator with an analytical queueing network model. The proposed metamodel combines a general-purpose component (a quadratic polynomial), which provides a detailed local approximation, with a physical component (the analytical queueing network model), which provides tractable analytical and global information. This combination leads to an SO framework that is computationally efficient and suitable for complex problems with very tight computational budgets. We integrate this metamodel within a derivative-free trust region algorithm. We evaluate the performance of this method considering a traffic signal control problem for the Swiss city of Lausanne, different demand scenarios, and tight computational budgets. The method leads to well-performing signal plans. It leads to reduced, as well as more reliable, average travel times

    An Analytical Approximation of the Joint Distribution of Aggregate Queue-Lengths in an Urban Network

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    Traditional queueing network models assume infinite queue capacities due to the complexity of capturing interactions between finite capacity queues. Accounting for this correlation can help explain how congestion propagates through a network. Joint queue-length distribution can be accurately estimated through simulation. Nonetheless, simulation is a computationally intensive technique, and its use for optimization purposes is challenging. By modeling the system analytically, we lose accuracy but gain efficiency and adaptability and can contribute novel information to a variety of congestion related problems, such as traffic signal optimization. We formulate an analytical technique that combines queueing theory with aggregation-disaggregation techniques in order to approximate the joint network distribution, considering an aggregate description of the network. We propose a stationary formulation. We consider a tandem network with three queues. The model is validated by comparing the aggregate joint distribution of the three queue system with the exact results determined by a simulation over several scenarios. It derives a good approximation of aggregate joint distributions

    A tractable analytical model for large-scale congested protein synthesis networks

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    This paper presents an analytical model, based on finite capacity queueing network theory, to evaluate congestion in protein synthesis networks. These networks are modeled as a set of single server bufferless queues in a tandem topology. This model proposes a detailed state space formulation, which provides a fine description of congestion and contributes to a better understanding of how the protein synthesis rate is deteriorated. The model approximates the marginal stationary distributions of each queue. It consists of a system of linear and quadratic equations that can be decoupled. The numerical performance of this method is evaluated for networks with up to 100,000 queues, considering scenarios with various levels of congestion. It is a computationally efficient and scalable method that is suitable to evaluate congestion for large-scale networks. Additionally, this paper generalizes the concept of blocking: blocking events can be triggered by an arbitrary set of queues. This generalization allows for a variety of blocking phenomena to be modeled.Swiss National Science Foundation (Grant 205320-117581

    Estudios del sonido producidos en América Latina: el perfil de la investigación sobre el sonido cinematográfico

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    Este número da Revista Brasileira de Iniciação Científica publica os artigos com os resultados das pesquisas de Iniciação Científica 2016/17 da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA). A UNILA é uma das novas universidades federais brasileiras, iniciando suas atividades em 2010. Já em 2011, começa a funcionar seu Programa de Iniciação Científica (IC). A IC é uma das prioridades da política de pesquisa da UNILA. Seu aporte em bolsas de IC é superior ao de fontes externas como CNPq e Fundação Araucária. Em seus seis anos de existência, o Programa de IC tem promovido a difusão da cultura científica entre os estudantes, contribuído com sua formação e os estimulado ao ingresso na pós-graduação.A pesquisa consiste em fazer um levantamento das produções textuais que vem sendo feitas no meio acadêmico na América Latina sobre o som cinematográfico, tomando em conta o crescente interesse pelo som no cinema das últimas décadas, tanto no âmbito de realização, quanto teórico. Procuramos refletir brevemente sobre as tendências temáticas que os sound studies tomam no continente latino-americano, e contribuir com a valorização e divulgação destes trabalhos. Esta pesquisa encontra-se em andamento.The following research consists in a compilation of written works made in the academic environment in Latin America about cinematographic sound, taking into consideration the increasing interest for sound in cinema as well as the field of movie production, and the theoretic field. Briefly pondering about the thematic tendencies that sound studies can manifest in the Latin-American continent, and contributing to the appreciation and propagation of these papers. This research is still in progressEsta investigación consiste en hacer un levantamiento de las producciones textuales que vienen siendo hechas en el medio académico en América Latina sobre el sonido cinematográfico, tomando en cuenta el creciente interés por el sonido en el cine durante las últimas décadas, tanto en el ámbito de realización, cuanto en el ámbito teórico. Buscamos reflexionar brevemente sobre las tendencias temáticas en que los sound studies se manifiestan en el continente latinoamericano, contribuyendo con la valorización y divulgación de estos trabajos. Esta investigación se encuentra en progreso

    Dynamic network loading: a stochastic differentiable model that derives link state distributions

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    We present a dynamic network loading model that yields queue length distributions, accounts for spillbacks, and maintains a differentiable mapping from the dynamic demand on the dynamic queue lengths. The model also captures the spatial correlation of all queues adjacent to a node, and derives their joint distribution. The approach builds upon an existing stationary queueing network model that is based on finite capacity queueing theory. The original model is specified in terms of a set of differentiable equations, which in the new model are carried over to a set of equally smooth difference equations. The physical correctness of the new model is experimentally confirmed in several congestion regimes. A comparison with results predicted by the kinematic wave model (KWM) shows that the new model correctly represents the dynamic build-up, spillback, and dissipation of queues. It goes beyond the KWM in that it captures queue lengths and spillbacks probabilistically, which allows for a richer analysis than the deterministic predictions of the KWM. The new model also generates a plausible fundamental diagram, which demonstrates that it captures well the stationary flow/density relationships in both congested and uncongested conditions